Supporting Women in Africa

donating soul source vaginal dilators for women's pelvic pain rehabilitation in Kenya and Ghana Africa

Soul Source recently donated dilators to the Women Like Us Foundation and Elizabeth Makous, a pelvic floor PT. Together, they have teamed up to help women in Kenya, Africa overcome the pelvic pain and incontinence problems caused by female genital mutilation (FGM) and other trauma.

Makous, who reached out to the global nonprofit to create a program after treating one of these victims in California, now extends her generous efforts to many others abroad.

“When I was able to help her overcome the physical pain caused by FGM, I knew I was supposed to help more of these precious innocent victims in Africa,” says Makous. “Thus far, giving Soul Source dilators as a home program for the African pelvic pain patients was received surprisingly well, despite their modest nature.”

Makous brings 26 years of physical therapy experience to the program, combined with her years of ministry in servicing abused victims. Makous’ expertise in lymphedema and edema management physical therapy will also help her address the wound care, edema and infection issues that often coincide with abuse in an impoverished region with poor sanitation.

Makous selected the Women Like Us Foundation as the ideal partner given their tremendous dedication to helping women of trauma.

Women Like Us has already paved the way in Kenya through building a school and education center, offering psychological counseling, as well as installing water sanitation systems with toilets and washrooms. The African women are also taught trades and how to earn a living through sewing, farming, poultry projects, and small business banking. 

Their initiatives empower the female villagers to attain freedom from oppression and from the need to sell their daughters to feed their other children. Women Like Us further educates the young boys and girls on how to break free of generational traditions that devastate the lives of the women in these villages. 

“Once I understand their exact treatment needs, my goal is to teach the African women how to help each other, and to follow up with training videos to continue their education,” says Makous.

Soul Source is honored to support the great work by Elizabeth Makous and The Women Like Us Foundation. To learn more and support their programs, visit

Also this month, our team at Soul Source is thrilled to begin our collaboration with the Foundation for International Urogynecological Assistance (FIUGA). Soul Source donated numerous silicone dilators to Ghana, supporting their patients undergoing obstetrical fistula surgeries. FIUGA supports Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery programs in Ghana and Nepal and ensures trained professionals are able to address pelvic floor problems of the women in these areas. Visit to learn more about their efforts and raise awareness.

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